Wednesday, 28 March 2012


JUST about everyone has a sweet tooth for a sugar food in one-way or another.  nowadays refined sugar is available in many of our food products, studied has shown that sugar consumption has increased in the last twenty years.

Some People are aware and know how to limit their sugar intake while some do not realize that the excessive consumption of food and drink with contains high sugar content can seriously harm them.

excess daily intake of sugar has many harmful effects on our body and health.  It leads to diseases such as diabetes, obesity, suppress our immune system, leads to tooth decay, depletion of minerals, vitamins and many other health risk factors.

Sugar should be used in moderation when it comes to the daily diet.  it's addictive and can bring a "high"
to those who consume excessive amounts in a short period of time.

One of the unknown dangers of high sugar intake is its effect on our immune system.  Sugar suppress white blood cells, and reduces their number, therefore suppress of our immune system, making us prone to infections and diseases.

Diabetes is another side effect.  Constant sugary intake in the diet would increase the secretion of insulin in your blood.  Raised blood insulin levels suppress our immune system.  If our immune system is low then your ability to fight diseases is weak.

Raised blood insulin levels can also cause weight gain.  Insulin promotes the storage of fat; so, when you eat foods high in refined sugar, you increase fat storage.  The result is rapid weight gain.

Refined sugar contains no vitamins or minerals, so in order for sugar to be metabolized, it must draw on the body's reserve of vitamins and minerals.  When there reserve are depleted, metabolism of cholesterol and fatty acid are impeded, contributing to higher blood serum triglycerides, cholesterol, which cause obesity due to higher fatty acid storage around organs.

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